Tagged: Parliament
Pashinyan’s Six-Month Roadmap: What’s Included and What is Left Out?
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan presented on his Facebook page on Nov. 18, 2020 his six month roadmap of actions he plans to take after the devastating defeat Armenia suffered against Azerbaijan,
How Not to Run a Government, And Get Dethroned by the People
The recent events in Armenia surprised and impressed both Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide because a leader thought to be irreplaceable by his supporters was replaced by a newcomer without any
Armenia and Diaspora In Quest for a New Start
Ever since Armenia’s independence, the Armenian world has been divided into three loose categories: those supporting or in some capacity interacting with the government; various opposition groups;
Once Again, the French Legislature Bans Denial of the Armenian Genocide
Both Houses of the French Legislature have once again adopted a law that penalizes the denial of genocides recognized by French or international courts, or the denial, minimization or extreme trivialization
Genocidaire Talaat’s Last Interview Shortly Before his Assassination
Aubrey Herbert, British diplomat, adventurer, intelligence officer, and Member of Parliament, conducted a rare interview with Talaat Pasha, in February 1921, just days before his assassination in Berlin
Azerbaijan’s Parliament Introduces Outrageous Anti-American Resolution
Given the joyful spirit of the holiday season, I wanted to dedicate my article to a cheerful subject. However, when I saw the text of the bizarre Resolution submitted to Azerbaijan’s Parliament on
Everyone Should Support Nomination Of Pope Francis for Nobel Peace Prize
Several weeks ago, Sarkis Assadourian, a former Member of the Canadian Parliament, informed me that at his request Parliamentarian Judy Sgro had nominated Pope Francis for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize.