Dr. Gerard J. Libaridian ‘Liberation And Revolution’ Book Launch

LONDON — The Gomidas Institute announced the book launch of Dr. Gerard J. Libaridian’s latest work, “Liberation and Revolution: Critical Essays in Modern Armenian Studies” (Gomidas Institute, 2024).
The launch will take place by zoom on October 26, 2024.
Dr. Libaridian the former Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, and former director of the Armenian Studies Program at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor).
His new work consists of 12 essays on modern Armenian history, problems of writing that history, and how it is used and abused. These essays were written over a period of 45 years and have been reproduced without any changes.
The book launch will include a presentation by Dr. Libaridian followed by discussion and comments by Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute) and Dr. Richard Antaramian (USC).
ZOOM LAUNCH: 26 OCTOBER 2024: 9:00 PM Yerevan; 7:00 PM ‘Europe’; 6:00 PM
UK; 1:00 PM USA East Coast; 10:00 AM USA West Coast.
REGISTRATION LINK: www.gomidas.org/events
1. “Nation” and “Fatherland” in nineteenth Century Western Armenian Political Thought, 1983.
2. Soviet Armenia, 1979.
3. Armenian Earthquakes and Soviet Tremors, 1989.
4. Mgrdich Khrimian: Revolutionary Traditionalist, or Conservative Revolutionary?
5. Ideology and Reality: Hnchakian Paradoxes at Birth.
6. What was Revolutionary about Armenian Revolutionary Parties in the Ottoman Empire?
7. Church and Political Parties in Armenian History.
8. The Past as a Prison, the Past as a Different Future, 2005.
9. Historical Agency and Eternal Victimhood: Do Armenia and Armenians Matter in History?
10. The “Garbage Bin” Approach to History and its Discontents, 2018.
11. How to Write the History of the Third Republic, or How not to Write It, 2015.
12. From Historian to Diplomat: The Writing of History Before and After
Participating in its Making, 2011/2021.