El Septimo – The World’s Best Cigar Company – Introduces Vartan The Dragon
Los Angeles (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The renowned cigar manufacturer, El Septimo, in collaboration with the cigar retailer Vartan Seferian, announced the launch of “Vartan the Dragon,” a limited-edition cigar series. This exclusive release is inspired by two special people with the same name, Vartan. The ancient famous Armenian General Vartan Mamikonian, reflecting his strength and wisdom, and Vartan Seferian, a modern-day icon in the cigar industry and owner of the highly successful Ambassador Fine Cigars in Phoenix.
Drawing upon centuries of Armenian heritage and the rich legacy of its namesake, “Vartan the Dragon” embodies the strength, wisdom, and courage that Vartan the Emperor was renowned for. Emperor Vartan was an Armenian military leader. He was the head of the Mamikonian noble family and holder of the hereditary title of Sparapet, the supreme commander. He is regarded as a notational hero and venerated as a martyr and a saint of the Armenian church. In a remarkable fusion of history and modern-day luxury, “Vartan the Dragon” is produced in an extremely limited edition of only 999 boxes, with each box containing 8 meticulously hand-crafted cigars. This scarcity underscores the uniqueness of the cigar, making each box a coveted collector’s item and a piece of history. This partnership bridges the past with the present, honoring the storied history of Armenia and the modern excellence of Vartan’s cigar emporium.
“El Septimo is globally recognized for its exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled quality in cigar making. “Vartan the Dragon” continues this legacy, offering a sophisticated blend that promises a smoking experience like no other. The Vartan the Dragon is a Presidente cigar ( 6 ¾ x 58 ) that is blended with 15-year aged Grade A tobacco and has a Habano wrapper. Its rich and complex flavor profile is meticulously designed to satisfy the palates of the most discerning cigar enthusiasts, with each puff encapsulating the essence of luxury and tradition. The retail price for each cigar is $98 and $784 for box of 8,” says Zaya Younan, CEO of El Septimo.
Vartan Seferian expressed his enthusiasm for this collaboration, stating, “It is a privilege to lend my name to such a magnificent creation. ‘Vartan the Dragon’ represents the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship and the essence of what we strive to offer at Ambassador Fine Cigars. This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of history and experience unmatched quality created by the world’s best cigar brand,” says Vartan Seferian.
“Vartan Seferian, the visionary behind Ambassador Fine Cigars and the inspiration for “Vartan the Dragon,” has dedicated his life to elevating the cigar experience. Under his leadership, Ambassador Fine Cigars has become a beacon for cigar aficionados in Phoenix, offering an unparalleled environment for enjoying the largest selection of fine cigars in the world. Seferian’s passion for quality and community has not only made him a respected figure in the industry but also the perfect namesake for this extraordinary cigar. This limited-edition blend is a tribute to history and celebrating two Armenian icons, their heritage and our craftsmanship for pursuit of perfection. We are honored to partner with Vartan, a true icon in the cigar world, to create a cigar that symbolizes excellence and the rich history of Armenia,” Younan stated.
With only 999 boxes available, “Vartan the Dragon” invites connoisseurs to seize this exclusive opportunity to own a piece of cigar history. Each box not only symbolizes the legacy of an ancient emperor and a modern-day visionary, but also represents the zenith of cigar perfection.