Eye For Sound Gallery to Host Inaugural Exhibit Featuring Artwork by Serj Tankian

Eye For Sound Gallery, one of Los Angeles’ newest homes for original artworks, beginning on August 31 is hosting its inaugural exhibition, “The Lost Technique.” On display will be one of a kind paintings and limited edition reproductions from artist Serj Tankian, who is best known as the lead singer of Grammy award-winning rock band System of a Down.
“The Lost Technique” harks back to a time when art was a meditative experience using gleaned items as tools to create. Where the hand was guided by the unseen to emerge from nothingness into presence.
The pieces displayed are all a product of this lost technique where ordinary items that surround the canvas become the paintbrush. Where elusive form is everywhere to be found by the seeking eye.
Tankian creates a uniquely audible and visual experience with his artworks. Each painting is accompanied by a musical score that has been composed by the artist that is as integral to his artistic expression as the paint on the canvas.
The embedded music along with additional content is unlocked and accessed via Arloopa, a free mobile application for IOS and Android devices that utilizes optical recognition technology to identify his works and allow those looking at his artwork to listen to each painting’s corresponding musical score.
Eye For Sound was born from the desire to create a unique immersive experience connecting groundbreaking art to its exclusive musical score. Similar to films, the music is meant to be as intrinsic a part the artwork as the paint on the canvas.
Eye For Sound Gallery, a premiere art gallery in Eagle Rock, California, serves as the base for local and international artists exercising this unique discipline along with traditional artists whose artwork inspires generations. “The Lost Technique” runs from August 31 through September 28. They gallery is located at 1638 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041.