Khachkar Studios Accepting Proposals to Produce and/or Promote 2025 Series of “Good News” Christian Short-clip Films and Short Documentaries

Introduction: Khachkar Studios and its parent, the Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation, announced on July 29, 2024, that they are accepting proposals from service providers to produce and/or promote during the 2025 calendar year one or more of 40 “Good News” Christian short-clip films and up to 10 short documentaries.
Goals: Khachkar Studios’ parent, the Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation, has set a goal of producing and heavily promoting 40 “Good News” Christian video short-clips in 2025. The short-clips will have a duration ranging from 2 to 5 minutes, with preference for a 2 minute runtime. Ten of these videos will be produced and promoted each calendar quarter. An optional secondary goal for 2025 is producing and heavily promoting 10 related church short documentaries.
Why “Good News” short-clips: There exists the palpable possibility of further dilution of traditional Christian shared identity, values, and community. We believe that it is more important than ever to empower great aspirations and reinforce an extra hard work ethic using God-given skills to protect the legacy of our ancestors. Inundated with demoralizing and destructive news and media, Christians will greatly benefit from “Good News” Christian short-clips and documentaries. “Good News” Christian short-clips have the potential to be a powerful yet subtle way to teach benchmarking and best practices.
Themes: The chosen topics will feature “Good News” about selected churches and their members. The themes will be inspirational about the church, church programs, and members of the flock who are role models for a traditional Christian life. These inspirational stories will empower great aspirations among Christian leaders of all ages. Content must be totally respectful of the traditional Christian values of our ancestors.
4 KPIs: It is also important to note and to be perfectly clear that these “Good News” Christian short-clips and documentaries are NOT about material success, NOT about following the latest social trends, and NOT about seeking to win accolades from film industry pundits. The “Good News” will encourage traditional Christians to: attend non-holiday masses (KPI #1), enroll in Sunday/Saturday schools (KPI #2), join as church members (KPI #3), and increase financial givings to the church (KPI #4). We will measure our success by the increase in these 4 KPIs.
Promotion: There will be significant promotion for each “Good News” Christian short-clip with preliminary promotion budget of 100% of the production cost.
Regions: A total of ten churches from four regions will be selected. The regions include: Southern California, Northern California, Metro New Jersey and New York, and Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Submission Details: Proposals can be submitted for any or all of the four regions. Specify if you would like to provide both production and promotion, only production, or only promotion. Include total cost of your proposal, resumes, and references with links to pertinent past work. Importantly, proposals that contain benchmarks and best practices will have a competitive advantage. Proposals may be submitted now and will be reviewed starting August 1, 2024.
Send proposals to
Khachkar Studios
The Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation
+1 202 449 9600