Passionate Plea from Richard Manoogian To Save Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

Manoogian stated in no uncertain terms: “The recent unsettling news regarding potential business deals impacting the Armenian Seminary and the Cow’s Garden has prompted me to voice my deep concern. These deals cannot, and must not, move forward, as they are patently contradictory to the very purpose of our nation’s collective efforts to maintain the Armenian character and identity of the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem.”
Manoogian continued: “The Seminary my father funded and the cherished Cow’s Garden must remain untainted by commercial endeavors, maintained solely for the purpose of strengthening our invaluable Armenian presence and purpose in the Old City of Jerusalem.”
Manoogian’s statement comes at a critical time. Lawyers for the Save the ArQ Movement uncovered evidence demonstrating that even the Seminary funded by the Manoogians was included in the purported Cow’s Garden hotel deal.
Championing the heroic efforts of the Save the ArQ Movement, Manougian noted: “I am especially grateful to the young Armenians who risk their lives and stand guard—each day and night for over 200 days now—at the Cow’s Garden protecting our Armenian community’s presence in one of the most important places in the world. While it pains me to learn of the repeated attacks they have endured while defending their land, I see in their dedicated defense the strength of an Armenian community who understands its unique moment in history and will protect its right to exist in Jerusalem, as it has done for centuries.”