Letter to the Editor:

Regarding the article, “In Armenia, the troubled construction of the world’s tallest Christ”:

The humiliting news from Armenia continues unabated. As if the calamities designed by the walking disaster Pashinyan were not sufficient to make our homeland look ridiculous, now comes oligarch Tsarukyan to pitch in his contribution to the insanity.
I would hazard a guess that per capita Armenia is among the top three or four countries in the number of Christian religious sites. Yet, oligarch Tsarukyan, who apparently suffers from edifice complex, wants to add an albino Christ to our collection of religious monuments.
Incidentally, Armenia might now find itself in the bad books of millions of Brazilians since Tsarukyan’s Alpine Christ will be taller than Christ’s statue at Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro’s number one tourist attraction.
Jirair Tutunjian
Toronto, Canada