Pashinyan apologized for using the word “screw”
If I used those words, I apologize. This was announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a press conference.
The journalist reminded him of his own words, “I will catch Kocharyan’s supporters and screw them,” and asked if he had ever said, “I will screw Aliyev.”
Pashinyan first showed surprise on his face, wondering if he had said such words, used such vocabulary, and then tried to clarify that even if he had said them, the meaning was not the one the journalist presented.
“It’s a matter of interpretation: what did I mean, what do you mean,” he said.
Then he returned to the hammer, which he had also spoken about.
“The hammer was very strong and direct, and thanks to that hammer, Armenia is a much more independent and sovereign country today than many imagine. That hammer has not fallen on anyone’s head and will not fall, because it is a political symbol, but that hammer has been given to many people’s heads and has put them in their place. That hammer is to protect your rights as a citizen of the Republic of Armenia and is a tool to guarantee statehood and rights.”
As for the border demarcation process, Pashinyan noted that this process became very tangible in 2024, and in the near future the parties will focus on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border from the Georgian border to the Iranian border.