Armenian Asia Minor Volume Released
The Asia Minor volume focuses on several of the more than 100 Armenian communities within easy reach of Constantinople, the Ottoman capital.
The Asia Minor volume focuses on several of the more than 100 Armenian communities within easy reach of Constantinople, the Ottoman capital.
Although both Republicans and Democrats have traditionally supported Armenian-American issues, there are some dark clouds looming over Armenian lobbying efforts in Washington
This year’s Telethon will be dedicated to raising the money needed to finish the Vardenis-Martakert highway – already partially completed – and continue several other ongoing projects.
Armenians boosted their historical ties with the Arab and Muslim world last month with the simultaneous visits of Armenia’s President and Jerusalem’s Armenian Patriarch to the Kingdom of Jordan…
Turkish writer, Serkan Engin, considers it an obligation to speak up about the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides in Ottoman Turkey.
The Turkish government has quietly corrected the signpost near the historic Holy Cross Church (Sourp Khach) on Akhtamar Island in Lake Van, by indicating its “Armenian” origin.
The lengthy absence of Mesrob Mutafyan, the Armenian Patriarch in Turkey, due to his illness, has fueled a debate in the country’s Armenian religious community regarding whether the patriarch should be replaced with a successor
The Turkish government got a big slap in the face last week when the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to turn down its application for a Security Council seat.
Sponsored by the American Friends of Turkey, Dr. Erickson, a military historian, presented his book, “Ottomans and Armenians, A Study in Counterinsurgency.”
Armenia signed a treaty to join the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), composed of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. The agreement goes into effect on January 1, 2015…