Armenia Supports Catholicosate’s Lawsuit Against Turkey
His Holiness explained that before taking this important decision, he had consulted with international legal experts during the past two years.
His Holiness explained that before taking this important decision, he had consulted with international legal experts during the past two years.
Greece is the third European country, after Slovakia and Switzerland, to pass such a law.
It is imperative that Armenians speak with one voice, telling the world what exactly they want from Turkey
Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry harshly condemned the California Legislature last week after the State Senate adopted resolution AJR 32
The Turkish government has been pouring millions of dollars into the coffers of several U.S. firms, hoping to improve its image by whitewashing the dark stains of its dictatorial regime.
Washington has long-suffered from unethical politicians, but the prize for the top hypocrite on an Armenian issue goes to former Cong. Richard Gephardt who served as House Majority Leader from 1989 to 1995 and Minority Leader from 1995 to 2003.
The international media is replete these days with scandalous stories about European and American politicians being wined and dined in Azerbaijan and Turkey, for self-serving ulterior motives.
In a speech last week, this high-ranking official preached his perverted version of morality to Turkish women by telling them not to laugh in public! “A woman will know what is haram [forbidden] and not haram,” Arinc warned.
The Turkish Sabah newspaper published last week the following disturbing news:
“Australian FM: Armenian Case not Genocide.”
More than seven years and millions of dollars in legal fees later, much of the parties’ work to achieve their dream of a museum appears to have been for naught, which is regrettable.