Rhode Island Senator David Tikoian named Majority Whip

PROVIDENCE—Rhode Island State Senator David P. Tikoian (D – Dist. 22, Smithfield, North Providence, Lincoln) was appointed as the Majority Whip by Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Sen. Tikoian, who is currently the deputy general manager of the Providence Water Supply Board, has a long record of public service, having been a state police officer for 23 years, retiring as major/chief administrative officer and later becoming the North Providence police chief.
Prior to his 2022 election to the RI State Senate, Tikoian served a two-year term on the Smithfield Town Council.
“Senator Tikoian has earned the respect of every member of this chamber,” said Senate President Ruggerio. “David is a dedicated public servant of the highest integrity and a true statesman. He comports himself in a professional, forthright, genuine and courteous manner in all his interactions. I am pleased to welcome him into this important role in our leadership team.”
The primary responsibilities of a majority whip align with Senator Tikoian’s trusted advisor status with the Senate leadership. They include counting votes before bills are brought to the floor and working closely with leadership to coordinate strategy and ensure support for the party’s legislative agenda.
Senator Tikoian will succeed Senator Valarie Lawson, who was elected Senate Majority Leader in November.
“I am deeply honored to have been selected by Senate President Ruggerio for this leadership position and wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Senate president for his confidence in my abilities,” Tikoian told the Weekly. “As the grandchild of Armenian Genocide survivors, the late Tarviz (Mesrobian) Topalian and Garabed Topalian, the significance of this leadership appointment as it relates to the Armenian community in Rhode Island is deeply profound and meaningful to me. In my opinion, Senate President Ruggerio’s appointment of an American Armenian to the leadership position of Senate Majority Whip in the Rhode Island State Senate is historic.”
Senator Tikoian joins RI State Representative Katherine Kazarian, who was once again named House Majority Whip on Thursday, January 9. “I am honored to serve as the Rhode Island House Majority Whip and thrilled that I will get to serve in this capacity with the new Rhode Island Senate Majority Whip, my dear friend and fellow Armenian American, David Tikoian,” Kazarian said. “Senator Tikoian serves with strength, kindness and empathy, and I have no doubt that he will be an excellent Senate Majority Whip. I am looking forward to working together and with our colleagues in government to make Rhode Island a place where all can grow and thrive. Furthermore, I hope we are able to inspire the next generation of Armenian Americans to get involved in their communities and run for office someday.”
“Sharing this distinction with my colleague in the Rhode House of Representatives, Whip Kazarian is a testament to the strength, survival and resolve of the Armenian people and something the entire Armenian community can take pride in,” Tikoian said.
Rep. Kazarian and Sen. Tikoian regularly support Armenian issues in the RI legislature. Since her election to the RI House, Kazarian has introduced the Armenian Genocide resolution annually and has been a sponsor of key legislation requiring genocide education in RI schools. Both Kazarian and Tikoian sponsored the legislation recognizing April as Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Month in the state.
RI House Majority Whip Katherine Kazarian with RI Senate Majority Whip David P. Tikoian“As co-chair of the Armenian National Committee of RI (ANC-RI), our committee is extremely proud that both whips in the RI legislature are Armenians, most likely the first time this has happened in the history of the United States,” Steve Elmasian said.
Elmasian went on to elaborate on the ANC-RI’s notable accomplishments over the decades, including working to have Rhode Island be the first government in the world to officially recognize the Republic of Artsakh. As the Friendship City campaign was underway to establish agreements between various cities and towns in the eastern region and Artsakh, the ANC-RI mobilized and secured agreements with six local municipalities.
Twenty-five years ago, then State Representative Aram Garabedian introduced a genocide curriculum bill, which required the development of educational materials to teach about the Armenian Genocide in the state’s schools. Since then, the ANC-RI supported additional legislation requiring genocide education in Rhode Island and establishing the state commission on Holocaust and genocide education.
Additionally, RI is the only state in the country that has had the Armenian flag flown at every city and town hall and the RI State House annually in April.