Trump, Congressional reps have a chance to elevate key needs for Armenia

As President Trump finalizes his priority lists, Armenia should be at the top of many. When it comes to protecting Christians, Armenia is ground zero; when fostering the tech industry, Armenia is a world-leader relative to its size; when supporting democracies straddling Russia, the Middle East and Europe, Armenia is the keystone; when supporting free and dynamic citizens to serve as a counterbalance to the repressive turkic world, to wit Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenia must be strengthened; and when doing right by a country that holds the unenviable title as victim of the 20th century’s first genocide, the scales of injustice are still tipped in favor of Turkey, and lately have tipped even farther thanks to the destruction wrought by Turkey’s lackey, Azerbaijan.
A Christian with a keen eye for opportunity, Trump has a golden opportunity to engage Armenia, via the Congressional Armenian Caucus, and elevate Armenia beyond the issues that mire its potential. Armenians have, from time immemorial, been creators, involved with activities of the mind. If Armenians are anything, they are ambitious; they are not lazy.
The Congressional Armenian Caucus should emulate its constituents. For too long Armenians have accepted mediocrity from the Caucus, pleased, or pacified, with just their representative’s signature on legislation. A simple signature for a simple constituency used to be enough, but those days have long passed. Armenians have evolved into a major political force, highly relevant in every aspect of society. In Fresno, the physical and metaphysical heart of the Armenian Diaspora, that ambition and drive can inspire and guide the Caucus.
In September of 1920 Turkey attacked the nascent Armenian republic, still in the throes of genocide, intending to “eliminate Armenia physically and politically”. Not coincidentally, on September 27, 2020, Azerbaijan launched its suicide drone and cluster bomb assault on the peaceful Christian Armenian civilians of Artsakh (FNA Nagorno Karabagh). Although the Turkish-backed and Israeli-armed onslaught was on Trump’s watch, the entire world during those early days of Covid minded a global commitment to refrain from aggression; Azerbaijan was the exception. Forty-four days after the bombardment began, a cease fire ended the carnage. But just over a year later, under former President Biden’s watch, Azerbaijan launched a complete blockade of Artsakh, continuing a genocide that has never ended. No food, medicine or supplies came in, and nobody could leave. Biden and his useless State Department apparatchiks of Secretary Antony Blinken and USAID Administrator Samantha Power did nothing until, in October of 2023, the 120,000 Armenians who for millennia called Artsakh home, were driven out. Not coincidentally, the Turkish republic was founded in October 1923.
Since the Artsakh Armenians’ forced expulsion, the Azeris have destroyed ancient churches and other religious and cultural sites. Like Turkey, which has portrayed Armenians for over a century as villains, deserving of a genocide they deny, Azerbaijan continues to fan the flames of Armenophobia, portraying Armenians as vermin worthy of extermination, deserving of a genocide they promise. Azerbaijan now claims that Armenia is part of historic, albeit fictitious, “Western Azerbaijan”. Most recently Azerbaijan, taking a play from Russia’s Ukraine handbook, referred to Armenia as “a fascist state…and must be destroyed”. There are Azeri soldiers on Armenian soil. This is not good. The dark forces of despotism and prejudice are hard at work, and they are patient. The Armenian Genocide began in 1915, and the Turks and Azeris are methodically working today to complete the job.
Engagement and coordination with the Caucus is key to reversing the tide of misery. Calling out Turkey, Azerbaijan and Israel for their aggression must run concurrent with this engagement. Opportunities for success must be recognized and seized. The Caucus certainly recognizes the issues, as evidenced by various Resolutions, but seizing them and taking productive action has escaped its members.
In September 2022, just prior to the blockade, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Armenia. Her presence was intended to stave off further misery to the Armenians. Whether the signal to Azeri strongman Ilham Aliyev that the US would stand by Armenia was missed, or whether any signal was sent at all, the beginning of the end of Artsakh began four months later with the blockade. Upon her return, she and the entire Armenian Caucus, including Tom McClintock, David Valadao and Jim Costa, should have been in the Oval Office presenting their obvious case, demanding Biden act immediately to protect what was left of Armenia. No visit occurred.
Tom McClintock and David Valadao are two committed and effective conservatives, passionate about their districts’ issues and people. Both have served on the Caucus for many years, but they box below their class when it comes to helping Armenia enjoy her full potential. They both have the talent and ability to be more effective. Valadao has been more active than McClintock in terms of legislation; McClintock’s shortcoming is that he is not well versed in Armenian issues. Meet-and-greets with the community are nice but, like most professionals requiring continuing education to maintain their credentials, McClintock would be well-advised to take a class on present-day Armenia, and the history that has put Armenia on the precipice of annihilation.
Vince Fong is new to Congress but proved himself a champion of Armenian issues while in Sacramento. As the newest kid on the Capitol block, he should not let slip his chance to shine. Regarding Armenian issues and the Central Valley, Fong is the counterbalance and polar opposite of Jim Costa.
Jim Costa, a twenty-year Congressional veteran whose district covers much of Fresno, should be leading the charge in Congress. Instead, he delivers the same tired speeches and exhibits a lack of understanding of why Armenia is in such dire straits. Costa’s website mentions, in the same sentence, that he supports Genocide recognition and is a strong supporter of Israel. Yet Israel has provided over $7 Billion worth of offensive weapons to Azerbaijan, knowing they are aimed at Christian Armenians, to help Azerbaijan continue the Genocide and finish off the Armenians. Israel provides the weapons for a genocide he condemns.
Jim Costa’s time has run. Fresh energy and fresh ideas are needed and Michael Maher, who pushed Costa farther than any opponent to date, already has considerable Armenian support. He has that support because, along with energy, drive and fresh ideas, his grasp of Armenian issues, as I discovered in meeting with him and other engaged local Armenians, is deeper and broader than Costa could ever imagine.
It’s an open secret that Costa will never retire from Congress. It’s also an open secret that his heart is in his Portuguese highlands. President Trump posting him there as US Ambassador would allow a respected and entrenched member of Congress to remain relevant.
Armenia has done nothing to deserve being on the receiving end of genocide. Along with being the first Christian nation, Armenia has a free press, a free society, and transparent elections. Azerbaijan has none of these qualities. Despite the malicious intentions and actions of Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Israel, Armenia is a thriving democracy with a growing middle class and a booming tech industry. The key item Armenia lacks is oil; Azerbaijan has plenty. For all the right reasons, Armenia deserves the same level of passion and funding that have been bestowed on Israel and Ukraine.
Turkey and Azerbaijan have made clear their intention to finish what was started in 1915, and Israel is eager to profit by supplying Azerbaijan with more suicide drones and cluster bombs. US priorities must be reexamined and recalibrated, and Armenia falls squarely into this analysis. The Caucus must step up instead of idling along. McClintock, Fong, and Valadao certainly have the talent and ability; perhaps they need to be reminded why Armenia is important, aside from how it affects the vote count in November. As much as President Trump is making America great again, it is time he and the Caucus make Armenia great again.