Armenians Should Build a Wall of Shame For Those Going to Gallipoli on April 24

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1 Response

  1. Karnig Sarkissian says:

    Dear Mr. Sassounian,
    I am writing to you from Yerevan/Armenia. I represent HAYASTAN Popular Initiative movement in Yerevan and would like to appreciate your creative idea expressed in your above article.
    Just this morning, during a press conference I announced that all participating countries to Gallipoli celebrations are committing an Offensive action against Armenians, as well as against humanity. This fact is regarded by Armenians as a new “green light” for those who are willing to continue the genocide against Armenians. (..etc.)
    We are going to highlight your idea in the coming days in all our public appearances and will take all necessary actions to raise the suggestion in every possible means to realize it.
    Once again, I extend our respect and appreciation toward your creative and constructive efforts.
    I would like to keep in touch with you through my email ( for further exchange of ideas and efforts as we are about to launch a major Pan-Armenian initiative in the few coming days and specialy the day of the centennial by declaring the rebirth of HAYQ, which briefly means, giving life to the concept of the wholeness of the Armenian Nation: One whole homeland and One whole people. The main idea is that from now on, instead of death we chose life and instead of separation we chose unity. Once the declaration is public, starting 25th of April, we will start to work on forming worldwide commities in different fields formed by the Armenians of the world to deal with our Nation’s issues and reach Pan-Armenian solutions in all aspects of life, till the final unity of all Armenian lands and population.
    I will provide you with all details related with HAYQ program, as I am also inviting you to be part of it in case of your interest.
    Best regards,
    Karnig W. Sarkissian

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