Let’s Change the Formula of Defeat to a Formula of Victory

The 24th Independence Day of Artsakh was celebrated in Armenia in September 2015. Verdi’s “Requiem” was performed in Stepanakert in memory of the freedom fighters. On that day and during the following days, the TV channels presented a series of celebrations and festivities. It is an inexplicable occasion to be proud when the liberation of Artsakh is celebrated. All of us, as a nation, have only known from our childhood that our nation was defeated and persecuted. Every year, around the world, we mourn April 24, 1915.
How humiliated and poor our pre-Karabakh generation felt. We read about our ancient kings and pre-Christian victories, then we reached the pages of history of our gradual weakening, loss of territory and land, until the era of Genocide, as a result of which we hung our heads low as a nation, with the complex of a victim.…
We had barely straightened our backs and heads when the terrible blow came in 2020. I don’t say defeat because it is temporary.…
It is as if our victorious kings and victorious Karabagh said, here it is, we gave you a victory, keep it.
But alas… did we keep it or did we waste it? Thirty years ago our bloodthirsty enemy, who was defeated in a shameful way, was armed to the teeth, but we were busy looting the country and the army, we were drunk with the victory bought with blood, we were dancing and singing.… We have a way of getting back. We must not allow the whole nation to be infected with the disease of our current defeated powerless government that came down on its knees.
It wasn’t the first time that we rose like the Phoenix. We will rise again, we are not dead.… Our struggling soul is reborn like a miracle in the most fateful moments. Our government is doing everything to put up with the defeat instead of pushing the people to fight. Reconcile with these losses, defeat. After such a great loss, the political leadership has one main duty: to inspire, unite and raise the people so that they can resist these challenges.
Unfortunately, our Prime Minister is following the destructive masters.
It is not the Peace Treaty that will secure our security, but security will secure our peace.
One doesn’t beg for peace, one imposes peace…”Force makes right (Garegin Nzhdeh).
In another shameful and sad flash of the brain, we learned that patriotism is “dangerous.” Our leader has confused patriotism with nationalism. The first is a perfect noble love for the Motherland, the second is a blind worship that excludes the right or even the existence of any other nation (minority).
We hear another anti-national statement. “Today’s Armenia has nothing to do with Historical Armenia.…” Excuse me, so the greats of our culture and history who were born outside today’s Armenia are not Armenians? Shall we dismiss them all? It is even more clear how history will be bankrupt.
It is necessary to remind our rulers that according to Garegin Nzhdeh, the Armenian Tribal Spirit is always present and will appear at the right time.
Today’s rulers owe their existence to that immortal spirit.
Armine Koundakjian